Shipping and return policies for Vision Denied

Shipping Info
We try to ship out the incoming orders as fast as possible (most likely within 2-3 days after placing your order).
Once your order has been shipped we simply cannot guarantee a specific delivery date.

Please be aware, that we DO NOT provide tracked mail-service!

If you want your order to be shipped with tracking-number, than please get in contact with us BEFORE YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER so that we can arrange everything for you. In this case, you will have to pay the extra charge for this service.

Make also sure to provide us with your correct and up-to-date address (see also under "return policy").
Return Policy
We can only offer refunds for physical goods. There's no return policy on downloaded music.

If you wish to cancel your order and to receive a refund you will have to send back all your ordered goods. Shipping costs must be payed by you. Once the returned goods are received by us, we will issue you a full refund.

In case of damaged goods please get in contact with us. We will then sort out how to deal with each situation individually.

Our refund policy does not apply to an order that is never received due to an incorrect shipping address provided by you.